Generative Design Subscriptions

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Autodesk Created the Fusion 360 Generative Design Extension

Autodesk recently created a new subscription named the Fusion 360 Generative Design Extension. The service is offered at a price of $1,000 per month, or for an $8,000 yearly fee, and pay per use options are also available. Those who purchase the service will also be able to access Autodesk Cloud Credits, which can run generative design studies.

Autodesk's Fusion 360 Generative Design Extension allows manufacturers to explore different options that all will fit design parameters, with reduced weight, improved functions, and combed parts. All designs that are produced by the system will be immediately ready for manufacturing.

The company recently offered its Fusion 360 Generative Design Extension for a discounted price, where annual subscriptions were sold at a 50% reduced price.
Trend Themes
1. Generative Design - The use of software to automatically produce various design options with reduced weight, improved functions, and combined parts for manufacturers.
2. Subscription-based Services - Offering access to generative design software has become a profitable subscription-based service for software developers.
3. Cloud Credits - Autodesk's provision of cloud credits that allow for generative design studies has disrupted the IT industry offering an alternative to on-premise high-performance computing infrastructure.
Industry Implications
1. Manufacturing - The manufacturing industry can benefit from generative design by using it to produce innovative design options that reduce production costs and inventories.
2. Software Development - The introduction of generative design as a software product has created a new profitable business model based on software subscription-based services and cloud credits.
3. IT - The provision of cloud credits as an IT service for generative design studies has disrupted the high-performance computing infrastructure business model that was traditionally based on on-premise IT solutions.

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