Frontiers is a poignant photo series, captured by Chilean photographer Raul Charlin, that captures the many Peruvian women who emigrate to Chile to work as domestic workers and caregivers.
Charlin takes two photos of each woman. The first portrays her in relation to her employer's family, while the second captures her alone, holding a photograph of the relatives she left behind in Peru. Pairing the photos in such ways projects how caring for the families of employers helps them provide for then own.
For the Frontiers series, Charlin also interviewed each woman to gain insight into their experiences. He found that most of the women were content with their jobs and had become integral members of their employers' families, whilst all along dreaming of being reunited with their families back home.
Domestic Worker Photography
The Frontiers Photo Series Documents Peruvian Women in Chile
Trend Themes
1. Domestic Worker Empathy - Create products or services that aim to understand and address the needs of domestic workers and caregivers, such as providing opportunities for family visitation or career advancement.
2. Cultural Integration Photography - Develop photography projects that explore the integration of immigrant domestic workers into their host country's culture and society, highlighting their contributions and challenges.
3. Personal Storytelling Art - Encourage artists and creatives to use personal storytelling as a means of social commentary, advocating for marginalized populations and promoting empathy in society.
Industry Implications
1. Home Services - Incorporate empathy and cultural integration training for domestic workers, elevating their status to valuable members of the household while improving job satisfaction and retention.
2. Art and Culture - Support initiatives that promote diversity and representation in art, such as exhibits or grants for projects that highlight the stories and contributions of marginalized communities.
3. Social Advocacy - Advocate for the rights and needs of migrant workers through legal and policy changes, such as increased protections and access to resources and support networks.