Fragrance-Carrying Bracelets

DECONFIN is a Convenient Fragrance Bracelet for People on the Go

A true symbol of refinement and exquisite taste, DECONFIN is a fragrance bracelet that allows consumers to express their personality and tastes through aroma and musk. The French designers behind these stylish leather accessories realized that preferred fragrances don't tend to last the whole day, as well as that the packaging of perfumes is usually chunky and a hassle to bring on the go.

DECONFIN is a fragrance bracelet that solves those stressful issues. The innovative product has a capacity of three milliliters, which is approximately 40 sprays. The consumer can chose a fragrance and fill the small container of the bracelet via an extension. The design of the accessory mimics that of a watch and the leather detailing ensures the fragrance bracelets have a seamless transition into any fashion-forward outfit.

Photo Credits: Kickstarter
Trend Themes
1. Fragrance-carrying Bracelets - The trend of fragrance-carrying bracelets allows consumers to conveniently express their personality and tastes through aroma and musk.
2. Portable Perfume Solutions - The trend of portable perfume solutions presents disruptive innovation opportunities to create compact, travel-friendly packaging for perfumes.
3. Multi-functional Accessories - The trend of multi-functional accessories, like fragrance bracelets, offers opportunities to combine fashion with practicality, serving more than one purpose.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Accessories - The fragrance-carrying bracelets industry offers growth potential in the fashion accessories sector, where consumers seek unique and functional items.
2. Perfume and Fragrance - The perfume and fragrance industry can capitalize on the portable perfume solutions trend by developing innovative, compact packaging options for on-the-go consumers.
3. Personal Care and Wellness - The personal care and wellness industry can explore multi-functional accessories like fragrance bracelets to tap into the growing demand for convenient and customizable scent options.

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