Food-Inspired Rugs

These Floor Rugs Take After the Appearance of Popular Foods

Created by the Wisconsin-based artist Carly Dellger, these floor rugs take the form of different foods and are sold on the Etsy site 'SurfaceWerks.'

The decor items are made using a crochet technique and with a free-form style that ensures that no two rugs are exactly the same in appearance. The endearing floor rugs take the shape of foods like eggs, toast, bacon and spilled coffee -- as well as non-food items including dark clouds and cacti. The artist also offers coasters in the shape of grilled cheese sandwiches and visitors to the site are able to customize their own rugs by sending in doodles or pictures of pets.

These floor rugs could be used to decorate home entrances, children's rooms or even bathrooms.
Trend Themes
1. Food-inspired Decor - There is an opportunity for businesses to create more food-inspired decor items for homes and public spaces, appealing to foodie and design enthusiasts alike.
2. Customizable Rugs - There is potential for businesses to offer customizable rug options, allowing customers to personalize their home decor and create unique, one-of-a-kind pieces.
3. Free-form Crochet - There is a trend for free-form crochet techniques, which can be utilized in creating a variety of unique and eye-catching home decor items beyond just rugs.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - Businesses in the home decor industry can create food-inspired decor items and customizable rug options to appeal to consumers looking for unique and personalized home decor.
2. Handmade Goods - There is an opportunity for businesses that make handmade goods to incorporate free-form crochet techniques in creating unique products and expand beyond traditional crochet items.
3. Pet Accessories - There is potential for businesses in the pet accessories industry to offer customizable rug options that feature pet portraits, creating a unique item and a personalized tribute to consumers' furry friends.

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