Gamer Finder Apps

The GamerLink App (in BETA) Helps You Find Gamers Online You Want To Play With

If people can turn to the Internet as a romantic matchmaker, it makes sense that gamers could also use it to find gamers they actually want to play with. Currently in beta, the GamerLink app is fundraising on crowdfunding platform Kickstarter.

Described as the world's most advanced tool for finding online gamers to play, the mobile app connects gamers who have similar playing styles and skill levels so they can compete against each other. This is all in an endeavor to improve their multiplayer experience online.

GamerLink acts as a real time gamer finder that helps you find gamers all around the world and ultimately seek out a worthy opponent. The matchmaking happens based on criteria like gaming platform, game itself, gamer rank, skill level, character preferences and more.
Trend Themes
1. Online Gaming Matchmaking - Creating advanced tools and platforms to connect online gamers based on similar playing styles and skill levels, improving multiplayer experiences.
2. Gamer Finder Apps - Development of mobile applications that enable gamers to find and connect with like-minded players globally, enhancing the gaming community.
3. Personalized Gaming Connections - Offering personalized matchmaking options based on specific criteria such as gaming platform, game preferences, skill levels, and character choices.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile Apps - The mobile app industry can capitalize on developing innovative gamer finder applications to enhance the online gaming experience.
2. Gaming Technology - Companies specializing in gaming technology and platforms can explore disruptive innovation opportunities to create more advanced matchmaking tools.
3. Crowdfunding Platforms - Crowdfunding platforms can support the funding and development of gamer finder apps like GamerLink, tapping into the growing gaming market.

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