Have you ever fancied taking a nap in a whale's belly? No, me neither, but Marti Guixe has designed something called the Figurative Office Siesta Cubicle that lets you do just that. Guixe's design is a giant whale art installation for the retailer Vicon. You just walk into the open mouth of the whale and into its belly, and you'll find yourself a cozy place where you can rest or sleep.
The Figurative Office Siesta Cubicle was designed, according to the designer, to give people the idea that taking naps can be an experience that transcends an ordinary break. The installation was made completely out of cardboard, and inside, there are furniture accents by Guixe, including his Flama Lamp. According to PSFK, this lamp can be used as an LED lamp or a candle holder.
Marine Animal Napping Stations
Kick Back in the 'Figurative Office Siesta Cubicle' by Mari Guixe
Trend Themes
1. Immersive Nap Experiences - Designing nap spaces that offer unique and immersive experiences, like napping in a giant whale's belly, can disrupt the traditional concept of rest and relaxation.
2. Innovative Workspace Design - Creating unconventional workspaces, such as the Figurative Office Siesta Cubicle, that integrate elements of art and whimsy can inspire creativity and productivity among employees.
3. Sustainable Material Usage - Using eco-friendly materials, like cardboard, for designing structures such as the Figurative Office Siesta Cubicle, presents opportunities for sustainable innovation in architectural design.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Hotels and alternative accommodations can incorporate immersive nap experiences, like the whale belly concept, as a unique selling point to attract guests seeking unconventional relaxation options.
2. Office Design - Organizations can explore innovative workspace designs, inspired by the Figurative Office Siesta Cubicle, to create stimulating and enjoyable environments that enhance employee well-being and productivity.
3. Interior Design - Interior designers can embrace the use of sustainable and creative materials, such as cardboard, in their projects to offer eco-friendly and visually captivating design solutions.