Simplistic Muted Apparel

Reese Cooper's Fever Dream Series Evokes a Feeling of Walls Closing In

Fashion label Reese Cooper showcases its latest collection entitled 'Fever Dream' in a creative lookbook that is shot to evoke a feeling of having walls closing in on a person. The collection is designed specifically for the Spring/Summer 2019 season and boasts a plethora of casualwear staples, including tees, outerwear, hoodies, and pants with simplistic design touches including block hues, patterns, texts, and graphics. The most predominant visual is the Avian image seen adorning some tees and hoodies in a color selection of monochromatic schemes, pastels, and stripes.

Additional pieces include a pair of militaristic pants, shorts, track pants, and trousers that boast paint-splattered details. There is also a range of accessories including cotton-constructed saddlebags and caps to round out the entire Fever Dream collection.
Trend Themes
1. Simplistic Muted Apparel - Opportunities for disruptive innovation include developing sustainable and eco-friendly fabric options for simplistic muted apparel.
2. Spring/summer 2019 Casualwear Staples - Disruptive innovation opportunities lie in creating technologically enhanced casualwear staples for the Spring/Summer 2019 season.
3. Creative Lookbook Photography - Disruptive innovation can occur by using augmented reality and interactive elements in creative lookbook photography to enhance the consumer experience.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can explore disruptive innovation by incorporating augmented reality technology into the shopping experience.
2. Textile - The textile industry can embrace disruptive innovation by developing sustainable fabric options for simplistic muted apparel.
3. Photography - The photography industry could benefit from disruptive innovation by incorporating augmented reality and interactive elements into creative lookbook shoots.

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