Fendi is known for its hot and coveted ‘It’ bags. There was the Fendi Spy and then the B Fendi and now comes the skin and embroidered purse that looks fit for grandma. The collection of Fendi Spring/Summer 2010 handbags makes much use of floral embellishments and quirky detailing.
If granny stylings aren’t really your thing, Fendi has also included a more modern clear, plexiglass clutch with stud detail and a sleek, soft leather Firenze bag. However, it is the embroidered dress detailing of the Skin and Peekaboo Fendi Spring/Summer 2010 handbags that the company is pushing for the season.
Luxury Grandma Totes
The Embroidered Fendi Spring/Summer 2010 Handbags
Trend Themes
1. Floral Embellishments in Handbags - Opportunity for designers to incorporate floral embellishments in handbag designs to appeal to a nostalgic and feminine aesthetic.
2. Quirky Detailing in Handbags - Potential for handbag brands to add unique and whimsical elements to their designs, appealing to a playful and eccentric consumer base.
3. Clear, Plexiglass Clutches with Stud Detail - Disruptive opportunity for designers to create sleek, modern clutches using transparent materials and stud embellishments.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Accessories - Fashion accessory brands can capitalize on the trend by incorporating floral embellishments and quirky detailing into their handbag collections.
2. Luxury Handbags - Luxury handbag brands can differentiate themselves by offering clear, plexiglass clutches with stud detail, appealing to fashion-forward consumers seeking modern and edgy designs.
3. Fashion Design - Fashion designers can explore innovative ways to incorporate embroidery and unique detailing in their handbag designs, creating standout pieces for the market.