Monika Sawicka dons an edgy and feminine wardrobe in Vogue Ukraine's latest editorial exclusive. The Polish top model is captured by photographer Agata Pospieszynska's lens and is styled by Ina Lekiewicz who dresses her in bohemian and goth-themed pieces.
While Monika's hairstyle is gothic and rocker-approved, her feminine wardrobe is softer and more refined in its overall aesthetic. Gracing the May 2015 issue of Vogue Ukraine, this image series boasts a scenic, outdoor backdrop and a wardrobe that is designer-enriched. Hair styling for the series is courtesy of Pawel Solis who works alongside makeup artist Marianna Yurkiewicz.
This shoot's overall theme is edgy elegance and is translated through its juxtaposition of girly fashions and beauty looks that are more daring.
Bohemian Goth Fashion
Vogue Ukraine's Latest Exclusive Boasts an Edgy and Feminine Wardrobe
Trend Themes
1. Bohemian Goth Fashion - Opportunity for fashion designers to create alternative and unconventional clothing lines that combine bohemian and goth aesthetics.
2. Edgy and Feminine Wardrobe - Opportunity for retailers and fashion brands to cater to customers who want edgy and feminine clothing options.
3. Designer-enriched Wardrobe - Opportunity for luxury fashion brands to create designer collections inspired by bohemian and goth styles.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Design - Opportunity for fashion designers to incorporate bohemian and goth elements into their designs.
2. Retail - Opportunity for retailers to curate a selection of edgy and feminine clothing options.
3. Luxury Fashion - Opportunity for luxury fashion brands to create high-end collections that embrace the bohemian goth aesthetic.