Nazi-Inspired Designers Blitz Runways

Fashion Crimes?

Fashion designers are always looking to shock. Earlier this year, Trend Hunter profiled Shai, the french fashion designer that used real porn to pedle fashion. Accordingly, I've always feared that it was only a matter of time before we'd see Nazi-inspired clothing.

Well... It's here. British fashion designers have finally crossed the line. Radar reports, "Always anxious to unravel taboos, British fashion luminaries are sashaying into serious foul territory with their latest themeâ€"Nazis. Seemingly enthused by Prince Harry's notorious Gestapo getup and fueled by the resurgence of Nazi punks' favorite footwear Doc Martens, London shock label Voyage showed a collection of garments emblazoned with large, conspicuous swastikasâ€"just what you need to get yourself 86-ed from any respectable public location. And Gucci Group designer Alexander McQueen (surprise, surprise) has been showing leather vests decorated in Nazi eagles, swastikas, and iron crosses in his new, cheaper line McQ."
Trend Themes
1. Controversial Fashion - The trend of pushing boundaries in fashion design may continue to include controversial and taboo themes.
2. Political Provocation - Designers may use political imagery to provoke a response and disrupt the fashion industry norms.
3. Shocking Styles - Fashion professionals may experiment with new and unconventional styles in order to stand out and shock consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry may see an increase in designers pushing boundaries and themes that are controversial and taboo.
2. Media and Entertainment - Media and entertainment companies may explore the idea of political and controversial fashion in ads, movies and TV shows.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and advertising firms may experiment with unconventional and controversial themes in their campaigns to create buzz and generate excitement.

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