Traveling Family-Focused Campaigns

NGS and Vivid-Pix are Celebrating Family History Month

The National Genealogical Society (NGS) and Vivid-Pix are embarking on a nationwide tour for Family History Month in October. They are inviting family storytellers and historians of all levels to participate in in-person and online events. These events aim to celebrate family heritage and enable individuals to share their life stories and ancestral memories through the NGS/Vivid-Pix Family Matters Program. The tour begins in South Carolina and includes stops in Texas, Arizona, Utah, Missouri, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Kentucky.

The Family Matters Program, announced during the NGS National Conference in June, is targeted at Societies, Libraries, Archives, Museums (SLAMs) to help communities explore their family history. It provides access to the Vivid-Pix Memory Station™ scanner hardware and software, educational courses in genealogy and photography, and an Outreach Toolkit to attract new audiences. The Memory Station software allows users to scan, restore, and record voice memories, making archiving photos, documents, and memorabilia easy. This product will be available in October.
Trend Themes
1. Family Matters Program - NGS and Vivid-Pix are partnering to offer the Family Matters Program, a platform to explore family history and share ancestral memories.
2. In-person and Online Events - NGS and Vivid-Pix are organizing in-person and online events to celebrate family heritage and encourage individuals to share their life stories.
3. Vivid-pix Memory Station™ - Vivid-Pix has developed the Memory Station™ scanner and software, allowing users to easily scan, restore, and record voice memories for archiving photos, documents, and memorabilia.
Industry Implications
1. Genealogy - The Family Matters Program and the in-person and online events organized by NGS and Vivid-Pix offer new opportunities for the genealogy industry to engage with communities and explore family history.
2. Photography - The Memory Station™ scanner and software developed by Vivid-Pix provide disruptive innovation for the photography industry by offering a powerful tool for archiving and restoring old photos.
3. Education - The educational courses in genealogy and photography offered through the Family Matters Program present an opportunity for the education industry to cater to a niche audience interested in exploring family history.

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