Historic Hotel Hardcover Books

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The 'Fairmont: Grand By Nature' Celebrates the Hotel's History

Fairmont Hotels & Resorts is celebrating its rich history with the release of 'Grand By Nature,' a picturesque hardcover book that spans more than 300 pages and 500 illustrations. The book was published by Skira and authored by Claire Wrathall and Claire-Marie Angelini-Thiennot. The book is comprised of three chapters – Origins, Architecture, and Soul – and shares some of Fairmont’s most captivating stories.

"Grand By Nature tells the story of Fairmont in the most beautiful way possible – by weaving together the stories, images and archival material collected over the past 135 years. Within these pages are the fascinating tales of moments that defined our culture, celebrated pivotal occasions, and even changed the course of history," said Mansi Vagt, Global Brand Leader & Vice President, Fairmont Brand.

The book contains tales from the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries, including ones about Queen Victoria's ambitions, Frank Lloyd Wright's personal bedroom design, Guccio Gucci's humble beginnings as a lift boy; the broken strap on Marilyn Monroe's gown; and appearances by Madonna and Rihanna. According to Jean-Guilhem Lamberti, Chief Creative Officer, Accor, the book only covers a small portion of the Fairmont's archives, however, over 80 properties are showcased in the book, "from the original city palaces and château-style resorts dotted across North America and Europe, to the modern, gleaming towers of Asia and the Middle East."

To kick off the launch of the 'Grand By Nature,' Fairmont Royal York hosted an activation at its REIGN Restaurant + Bar that included an archive-inspired cocktail and dishes inspired by famous Fairmont guests over the years.

Grand By Nature will appeal to anyone passionate about architecture, history, fashion, society, or hotel life. It retails from $110 USD and is widely available at booksellers around the world and coming soon to fairmontstore.com.
Trend Themes
1. Historical Hotel Books - The production of more books detailing the history of hotels is an opportunity to offer guests a deeper and more meaningful stay.
2. Storytelling Branding - Hotels can leverage storytelling to enhance their brand and provide a unique experience to guests.
3. Archival Materials Marketing - Hotels can use archival materials to create marketing campaigns that highlight their unique history and heritage.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality Industry - Hotels can leverage their unique history and heritage to offer guests a more meaningful and memorable stay.
2. Publishing Industry - The production of more historical hotel books opens up a new market for publishers looking to capitalize on the storytelling trend.
3. Marketing Industry - Marketers can work with hotels to create campaigns that leverage archival materials to provide a unique and compelling narrative.

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