Social Personality Tagging

Facebook Meme Is All About Tagging Photos With Insults or Whimsey

The latest hot Facebook meme is to tag friends in Facebook photos and suggest their personality type. There are over twenty different copycats of the original meme. Now you can insult, erm, tag your friends as The Pimp, the Church Girl, Herpes #####, the Neat Freak, Devil Child, among other things.

Styles range from cartoon characters to Simpsonesque personalities to Vamp girls and more.

Implications - Interactive Internet memes are a pervasive form of temporary pop culture discussion, but serve as an opportunity for companies and brands across the globe. If a company or brand can capitalize on an Internet meme with a timely or clever advertisement and can instantly become a part of the pop culture discourse, this will translate into a short burst of intense consumer focus.
Trend Themes
1. Personality Tagging - As the trend of tagging friends in photos based on personality grows, companies can create products or services that cater to specific personality types.
2. Interactive Memes - With interactive memes becoming more popular, businesses can leverage their relevance with timely ads or social media campaigns.
3. Insult/meme Culture - Companies can create products or services that play into the trend of meme culture or insult humor, such as branded merchandise or social media campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Businesses can capitalize on the trend of interactive memes by creating timely ads or social media campaigns.
2. Social Media - Social media platforms can create new features that cater to the trend of personality tagging, such as personalized avatars or badges.
3. Apparel - Companies can create branded merchandise that plays into the trend of insult/meme culture, such as t-shirts or hats with popular meme phrases or characters.

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