Face Tracking

TrackIR is Next in Video Games

The next wave of video games will track your facial movements. You look left, and your character will look left too. The video decribes, "The TrackIR4: Pro is a head-tracking device that works by detecting infrared light reflected from three IR-reflective surraces on a 'TrackClip' that can attach to a hat, headphones or similar. The device tracks head motion in the full six degrees of freedom and translates it into game controls."
Trend Themes
1. Facial Tracking Technology - Advancements in games and technology are opening opportunities for the integration of facial tracking technology in various aspects including gaming, health and fitness, retail and education.
2. Enhanced User Experience - Facial Tracking technology offers the potential to revolutionize user experiences across various industries via providing users with enhanced immersion and control.
3. Infrared Reflective Materials - Infrared reflective materials are becoming increasingly important in the development of modern technologies such as facial tracking cameras, security cameras, and drones, among others.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming Industry - Gaming companies can leverage facial tracking technology to deliver highly immersive and engaging gaming experiences, and open new markets for virtual reality applications.
2. Health and Fitness Industry - Facial tracking technology can be used for developing training programs that help identify and correct flaws in exercises while also tracking progress and motivating users.
3. Retail Industry - Facial tracking cameras can help retailers analyze customers' facial expressions to optimize product positioning, product demand and tailor marketing campaigns.

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