Real Weapons as Computer Gadgets

Grenade Mouse

Now you can feel a little like Rambo as you sit at the computer! This grenade mouse is made from a real grenade; just the plastic casing though, as the rest of the space houses the actual Targus computer mouse parts. The guy who modified it even took the trouble to make the trigger work as the left mouse button.

The grenade mouse doesn't look comfortable to use, but hey, it makes a great conversation piece.
Trend Themes
1. Computer Gadgets - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in creating unique and conversation-starting computer accessories.
2. Repurposed Objects - Potential for disruptive innovation in repurposing everyday objects into functional technology products.
3. Blending Physical and Digital - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in combining traditional physical objects with digital technology.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in creating unconventional computer peripherals and accessories.
2. Repurposing - Potential for disruptive innovation in repurposing existing objects for technological applications.
3. Design - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in merging aesthetics and functionality in unique computer gadget designs.

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