The recent work from home shift has many consumers creating makeshift spaces for getting work done in their living space, which is being supported by products like the Couchmaster® CYWORX ergonomic lapboard. The unit is designed to be used overtop of the lap when on a couch and will provide ample space for laptops, tablets, smartphones and more on top. Users can enjoy enhanced ergonomics when using the unit from the couch to alleviate discomfort or fatigue that can come from spending long bouts seated on the furniture.
The Couchmaster® CYWORX ergonomic lapboard maintains a lightweight, durable design that is accented with a range of premium materials and is likely to be a must-have amongst professionals spending long periods working from home.
Couch-Based Workstations
The Couchmaster® CYWORX Ergonomic Lapboard Enhances Productivity
Trend Themes
1. Couch-based Workstations - The trend of creating makeshift workspaces on couches at home is driving demand for ergonomic lapboards like the Couchmaster® CYWORX, presenting disruptive innovation opportunities in the furniture and home office accessories industry.
2. Enhanced Ergonomics - The increasing focus on ergonomic design in home workspaces is creating opportunities for innovative products like the Couchmaster® CYWORX that provide comfort and support during long hours of work, leading to disruptive innovation opportunities in the ergonomic furniture industry.
3. Remote Work Productivity - The shift to remote work has created a demand for products like the Couchmaster® CYWORX that enhance productivity by providing a convenient workspace and reducing discomfort, offering disruptive innovation opportunities in the remote work technology industry.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture - The furniture industry can explore new designs and features to cater to the demand for couch-based workstations and ergonomic lapboards, providing disruptive innovation opportunities.
2. Home Office Accessories - Companies in the home office accessories industry can develop innovative lapboards and related products to support the trend of makeshift workspaces on couches, presenting disruptive innovation opportunities.
3. Ergonomic Furniture - The increasing importance of ergonomic design in workspaces opens up disruptive innovation opportunities for the ergonomic furniture industry, with products like the Couchmaster® CYWORX that provide comfort and support during long hours of work.