Dictatorial Energy Systems

The Valta Energy Management System Gives You Complete Energy Control

The Valta energy management system gives you complete control of your home's electricity through the Internet. The system works to actively find where energy is wasted to let you remotely switch it off.

Valta uses a combination of specialized hardware and software to achieve its unique features. The system comes with special sockets that fit over your existing ones. The sockets detect how much power is being pushed through it and can communicate with the cloud. As a result, you can get a live map of where power is being used and switch off gadgets remotely. The sockets communicate with a v-hub which is connected to the internet. The hub sends data to your iPhone app so that you can have full control of your power usage.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Home Energy Management - Opportunity for companies to develop more effective energy management systems for households.
2. Internet of Things (iot) Energy Solutions - Opportunity for companies to develop IoT-based energy solutions to promote energy efficiency.
3. Remote Electrical Control - Opportunity for companies to create systems that allow users to remotely monitor and control their energy usage.
Industry Implications
1. Home Automation Industry - Companies in the home automation industry can benefit from incorporating energy management systems to their products.
2. Smart Grid Industry - Companies in the smart grid industry can benefit from offering IoT-based energy solutions to households.
3. Energy Management Industry - Companies in the energy management industry can benefit from developing more advanced and user-friendly energy management systems.

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