Hacker-Baiting Tools

This Startup is Revolutionizing Email Security with 'Honey Tokens'

Email security startup Canary Tokens has come up with a brilliant way to bait hackers in order to notify users when their accounts have been breached.

To sign up for the service, users simply have to enter the email address at which they wish to be notified should a hacker enter their account. They can then generate unlimited amounts of 'honey tokens.' These honey tokens are URLs that, when clicked, send a notification to the user. The user places the URL in a bait email within their inbox. The user knows not to click on the link but should a stranger enter their account and click on the honey token, a notification will be sent to the user that someone has entered their account. They can then take measures to reset passwords and determine if sensitive information has been accessed.

For now, the service is free and in theory, could be extended beyond email security to protect users' Facebook accounts, bank accounts and any other online platforms they frequent.
Trend Themes
1. Honey Tokens for Email Security - The creation and use of honey tokens can be implemented in other cyber security measures.
2. Baiting Hackers - Creating bait emails can be expanded to detect breaches on other online platforms.
3. Notification-based Security Measures - Other security services can use instant notifications to address potential security threats.
Industry Implications
1. Cyber Security - This innovative startup can target businesses and individuals seeking a more proactive approach to cyber security.
2. Online Banking Services - The honey token approach can give peace of mind to customers who regularly use online banking services.
3. Social Media Platforms - This notification-based security measure can be used to improve the safety of users' social media accounts.

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