Detachable Top-Half Couture

This Clothing from Eleven Objects is Optional

Designers Linh Thi Do and Christine Rhee of Eleven Objects have come up a collection of detachable collars for the fickle yet fashion-conscious. The concept has also been expanded to include collars with sleeves.

The clothing comes in a range of styles and colors. From goth-like black polyvinyl to leopard print hipster-chic, there is a piece for every outfit. In many ways, the collars and collared half-tops can function in the same manner as a scarf: something that can be taken on and off throughout the day, at one’s pleasure and convenience.

Indeed, for those who live in climates with weather that never seems to make up its mind, these detachable sleeved-collars are perfect.
Trend Themes
1. Detachable Fashion - Detachable collars or sleeves that can be added or removed from clothing to change up the look of an outfit.
2. Customizable Clothing - Clothing that can be personalized or altered to fit personal style preferences.
3. Versatile Accessories - Accessories that can be used in multiple ways to enhance the functionality of an outfit.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion industry designers and retailers looking to offer more customizable clothing options.
2. Accessories - Accessories industry companies seeking to create versatile and multifunctional products.
3. Textiles - Textile industry companies exploring innovative materials for detachable fashion products.

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