Simplified Electricity Meters

This Playful Meter Keeps Track of Used Energy in an Eco-Friendly Way

Designer Xindong Che (Jonathan) created these electricity meters with a playful and simplified twist. The new electricity meters titled 'Eco-Pop' are digitally designed to be extremely easy to read and presented in a playful way.

Each meter looks like a normal electric box that features a tree with a hollow trunk. Inside the tree trunk is a digital reading of how much electricity one has used in a week, and how much has been used in a month.

The design is meant to be simplified in an attempt to get kids interested and grow their compassion for the environment. Continuing this theme, each Eco-Pop box actually acts like a tree and will grow virtual leaves and light up to show users the beauty of the environment that is being saved when less energy is used.
Trend Themes
1. Simplified Electricity Meters - The trend of creating playful and simplified electricity meters that make it easier for users to read their energy usage data.
2. Eco-friendly Energy Tracking - The trend of designing energy tracking systems that prioritize environmental education and awareness through playful and engaging interfaces.
3. Gamification of Energy Conservation - The trend of using playful and game-like interfaces to encourage energy conservation and promote sustainable behaviors.
Industry Implications
1. Energy Monitoring - Companies that design and manufacture energy monitoring systems can benefit from adopting playful and engaging interfaces that prioritize environmental education and awareness.
2. Smart Home Technology - Smart home technology companies can integrate playful and game-like interfaces to encourage energy conservation and provide users with an engaging experience while promoting sustainable behaviors.
3. Environmental Education - Organizations that focus on environmental education can use playful and simplified electricity meters as a tool to teach children and adults about sustainable behaviors and energy conservation.

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