Passenger-Only Eco Autos

The 'AKKA link&go; 2.0' Concept is a Hands-Free Electrical Car

More headway was made on the electrical car recently, as AKKA Technologies presented the AKKA link&go 2.0 auto. With no driver's seat to be found, this car is a strictly passenger-only form of transportation.

To add to its already eco-friendly concept, the car is also equipped with social media to allow for further carpooling capabilities. With the availability of sites like Twitter and Facebook, people can easily connect with one another, and AKKA technologies is simply redirecting this communication to a more environmentally conscious need.

This electrical car is just a concept now, but the technology is all there to make it work in an urban setting. Motion sensors, cameras and even lasers have been used to ensure a carefree passenger experience. Photo Credits: designboom,
Trend Themes
1. Passenger-only Autos - The 'AKKA link&go; 2.0' concept showcases the potential for passenger-only vehicles, disrupting the traditional notion of a driver and offering new opportunities for shared transportation.
2. Hands-free Cars - The AKKA link&go; 2.0 concept integrates motion sensors, cameras, and lasers, paving the way for disruptive innovation in autonomous driving and passenger experience.
3. Social Media Integration in Cars - The AKKA link&go; 2.0 concept combines social media capabilities with eco-friendly transportation, opening up possibilities for carpooling and enhanced connectivity on the road.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - The automotive industry can explore the development of passenger-only vehicles, incorporating advanced technologies like motion sensors and autonomous driving to create innovative and sustainable transportation solutions.
2. Shared Transportation - The concept of passenger-only autos presents an opportunity for the shared transportation industry to revolutionize urban mobility and create more efficient and eco-friendly transport systems.
3. Social Media Technology - The integration of social media capabilities in cars introduces a new area of opportunity for the technology industry to enhance connectivity and communication in the automotive sector.

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