Temple-Inspired Sculptural Lighthouses

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Gonzalo Lebrija Designs the Dynamic El Faro Lighthouse

Mexican artist Gonzalo Lebrija introduces a look at the multifaceted El Faro lighthouse. It is also an art gallery and the structure can be found along the Costalegre coast in Western Mexico. It is part of a larger development as El Faro was initially meant to be an exhibition space and local 'landmark.'

Now, it is functioning as a lighthouse for local boats with a timeless style and shape. Lebrija tells Dezeen, "The outside colour had to be bright to be seen by boats from the sea. Instead of white paint, we used a white natural finish that better integrates it into the Costalegre landscape. Inside provides a generous space with great height and natural lighting, it feels like a temple, a great space for multiple purposes."
Trend Themes
1. Sculptural Lighthouses - The incorporation of art and design elements into lighthouse structures presents opportunities for creating visually stunning landmarks.
2. Multifunctional Structures - Designing structures with multiple purposes, such as combining an art gallery with a lighthouse, opens up possibilities for innovative and engaging architectural projects.
3. Integrating with the Landscape - Using natural finishes and colors that blend with the surrounding environment in architectural designs allows for harmonious integration with the landscape.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - The art and design industry can explore the integration of artistic elements in functional structures to create unique and visually appealing landmarks.
2. Architecture - Architecture professionals can consider the concept of multifunctional structures and explore how they can combine different purposes seamlessly.
3. Tourism and Hospitality - The tourism and hospitality industry can leverage unique architectural designs that integrate with the natural landscape to attract visitors and create memorable experiences.

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