Eco-Friendly Brothels

Maison d'Envie Offers Discounts to Johns who Show up on Bikes

It seems that even those in the sex industry are trying to make the world a better place. A brothel in Berlin named Maison d’Envie (House of Desire) is offering a special discount to visitors who show up on bicycles or public transportation rather than in cars.

It turns out that Maison d’Envie has been stung by the recession bug and are using this interesting discount to attract business.

"The environment is a topic on everyone’s lips and it’s pretty difficult to park around here. So we came up with the idea of an ‘eco discount’ of five euros to anyone who leaves the car at home," says Regina Goetz, a former prostitute who now runs the Maison d’Envie.

It seems with the ‘eco discount,’ everyone is a winner.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Businesses - The trend of eco-friendly businesses will continue to grow as more businesses adopt sustainable practices.
2. Sustainable Transportation - Cities around the world are seeing a trend of sustainable transportation methods such as bikes and public transportation being used more frequently.
3. Discounted Green Initiatives - Discounts for using sustainable transportation methods will continue to be a popular way for businesses to encourage eco-friendly practices.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality businesses can take inspiration from the eco-discount implemented by Maison d'Envie as a way to attract eco-conscious guests.
2. Transportation - Eco-friendly transportation options such as bike share programs and electric vehicles are rising in popularity and disrupting traditional transportation industries.
3. Adult Entertainment - Brothels, strip clubs, and other adult entertainment businesses can explore sustainable initiatives such as Maison d'Envie's eco-discount as a way to align with eco-conscious values and attract customers.

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