The 'Clip' E-Bike Conversion Kit is an aftermarket solution for cyclists who are in search of a way to upgrade their existing gear instead of opting for a whole new ride. The kit comes as an upgraded version of the original and consists of a portable motor unit that can be attached onto the front wheel of your bike. This will enable riders to achieve speeds of up to 15mph for up to 15-miles of range to easily commute between locations.
The 'Clip' E-Bike Conversion Kit maintains a fully detachable design that can be easily brought into the office or house with you upon arrival to have it charged up and ready for use once again in just 40-minutes.
Omni-Bicycle e-Bike Kits
The 'Clip' E-Bike Conversion Kit Enables Speeds of Up to 15mph
Trend Themes
1. E-bike Conversion Kits - Aftermarket solutions for cyclists who want to upgrade their existing gear with portable motor units to achieve high speeds and commutes.
2. Detachable E-bike Designs - E-Bike kits with fully detachable designs, making it easy to bring to the office or house for charging and convenience.
3. Eco-friendly Commuting - The use of e-bike conversion kits can lead to a more sustainable and affordable form of commuting.
Industry Implications
1. Cycling Industry - Manufacturing and distributing e-bike conversion kits and accessories.
2. Green Transportation Industry - Providing eco-friendly transportation options through the production and distribution of e-bike conversion kits.
3. Commute-friendly Workplaces - Promoting sustainable and convenient solutions to commuting by offering e-bike charging stations and encouraging employees to use e-bike conversion kits.