External Auto Airbags

The Easpace Airbag Aims to Make Rear-End Fender Benders a Thing of the Past

Fender-benders may become a thing of the past if the Easpace Airbag ever goes from concept to reality. Design duo Da Wei Xing and Mei Yuan designed this airbag to mount onto the rear bumper of cars to reduce the damage caused in rear-end collisions.

The Easpace Airbag is stuck onto the rear-end of the car. The tag contains the airbag and a sensor that scans the area immediately behind the vehicle. If a car enters the scanner's space then the airbag is deployed to prevent damage and injuries.

You don't have to own a car to see just how awesome an external rear-end airbag would be. Cosmetic damage to cars costing thousands of dollars to repair could be eliminated. Physical injuries such as whiplash (yes, it is real) could also become a thing of the past. Fender-benders, your days are numbered.
Trend Themes
1. External Auto Airbags - The Easpace Airbag may revolutionize the prevention of rear-end collisions through external airbag deployment.
2. Auto Safety Innovations - Innovations like the Easpace Airbag have the potential to significantly reduce physical damage and injury in automobile accidents.
3. Smart Vehicle Add-ons - Smart add-ons like the Easpace Airbag could be an emerging trend in vehicle personalization and customization.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - The automotive industry could see disruption through innovative safety add-ons like the Easpace Airbag.
2. Auto Insurance - The auto insurance industry may see changes in policy premiums and coverage based on the reduced likelihood of serious accidents.
3. Smart Cities - Smart cities that prioritize the use of innovative auto safety technologies like the Easpace Airbag may see a significant reduction in automobile accidents.

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