Wearable Workplace Devices

Toshiba's dynaEdge AR Smart Glasses Focus on Work Enviroments

Toshiba is breaking into augmented reality with its workplace focused Windows 10 AR glasses, known as the dynaEdge AR Smart Glasses. To call this device AR glasses is a bit of a misnomer as the wearable functions more as assisted reality with its heads-up display. The whole system functions on a single-arm device that can be attached to several form factors, and is tethered to a Toshiba dynaEdge mini-PC via USB-C.

The dynaEdge AR Smart Glasses are focused on the workplace environment, and allow workers to view documents and PDFs, record and send photos and launch remote video chats from the headset. While the tethered mini PC does have a cluster of physical buttons, the idea behind the device is to use a touch-sensitive swipe pad or voice control.
Trend Themes
1. Assisted Reality Glasses - Opportunity for companies to develop wearable devices that blend augmented reality with practical workplace functionalities.
2. Workplace Productivity Solutions - The demand for technologies that enhance workplace efficiency and enable seamless communication through wearable devices.
3. Voice Control Interfaces - Potential for advancements in voice recognition technology to provide hands-free control and navigation in the workplace.
Industry Implications
1. Technology Hardware - Companies can explore the development of innovative wearable devices and accessories for the workplace environment.
2. Software and Applications - Opportunities for creating specialized software and applications that optimize the functionality and user experience of wearable workplace devices.
3. Telecommunications - Telecommunication companies can capitalize on the increasing demand for wearable devices that support remote video chats and seamless communication.

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