Monstrous Man Statues

Arabic Storyteller of Giant Proportions in Dubai by VisionDivision

Dubai insiders say the city needs another giant structure. Taking them literally, VisionDivision made a statue based on Al Hakawati -  a storyteller, from arabic times. The giant will tell stories through a series of speakers to those who gather in the park. The giant can move its head and arms even though the structure is made of steel. A rubber like material will act as the giant’s skin.

Implications - Contemporary consumers are only attracted to products that contain an element of surprise. Items that feature an unconventional aesthetic are appealing to those who desire designs that push the limits. Companies trying to stay on the cutting edge could focus on coming out with more designs like this.
Trend Themes
1. Unconventional Aesthetics - Companies can focus on designing products that feature an unconventional aesthetic to attract contemporary consumers.
2. Interactive Structures - There is an opportunity for companies to create more interactive and engaging structures like the giant storyteller statue in Dubai by VisionDivision.
3. Blending Technology and Art - Opportunities exist for companies to blend technology and art to create unique and innovative designs like the giant storyteller statue in Dubai by VisionDivision.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - The art and design industry can create unique and creative structures that appeal to consumers' desire for unconventional aesthetics.
2. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can create interactive structures and experiences like the giant storyteller statue in Dubai by VisionDivision to engage with audiences.
3. Technology - Companies working in the technology industry can explore opportunities to integrate technology with art to create innovative designs like the giant storyteller statue in Dubai by VisionDivision.

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