See-Through Wireless Scanners

The ‘Doxie Flip’ is a Wireless Wonder Scanner

The Doxie Flip wireless scanner is a leader in the paperless-revolution. You no longer are confined to a bulky computer to scan and share your notes. With this wireless wonder you can scan anywhere and anything!

The Doxie Flip is lightweight and shaped like a book, making it easy to carry around and stuff in a backpack. Because it is wireless, it can be taken anywhere.

You can scan anything you want. From notes, to photos, to sketches and even graffiti on a wall -- your potential is unlimited. Now with the clear screen you can see what exactly you are saving. This eliminates the guess work of "will my print be properly aligned?"

Take this super cool capturer out with you and scan and save anything that strikes your fancy. With the built-in memory you can come home and make a scrapbook of all your adventures!
Trend Themes
1. Wireless Scanners - The Doxie Flip wireless scanner exemplifies the trend of wireless scanning devices, allowing users to scan anywhere and anything without the need for a bulky computer.
2. Paperless Revolution - The Doxie Flip is a leader in the paperless revolution, offering a portable wireless scanner that enables users to easily digitize notes, photos, sketches, and more.
3. Clear Screen Technology - The Doxie Flip's clear screen technology provides a disruptive innovation opportunity by eliminating the guesswork of print alignment, ensuring accurate scanning and saving.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - The technology industry can leverage the trend of wireless scanners to develop innovative and portable scanning devices for various applications.
2. Office Supplies - The office supplies industry can tap into the paperless revolution trend by offering wireless scanners as a solution for businesses and individuals seeking a more efficient way to digitize documents and reduce paper waste.
3. Scrapbooking - The scrapbooking industry can capitalize on the Doxie Flip's built-in memory feature, providing users with the opportunity to create digital scrapbooks from their scanned photos and keepsakes.

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