Self-Sustaining Seed Servers

Elica Idroponica is a Domestic Hydroponic Ideal for Urban Cultivation

Elica Idroponica is a self-sustaining domestic hydroponic with style. With its cleverly curvaceous uprising, it will complement any abode nicely.

The domestic hydroponic certainly has the future in mind as it is able to automatically provide its plants with light and water. And because of its vertical stature, it will fit in with any high-rise and urban area. Furthermore, this domestic hydroponic is modular, which gives it the ability of customization depending on the type of plants that are in desire of raising.

With the help of this domestic hydroponic, there will be no more need to ask your neighbor or neglectful child to water your plants. The Elica Idroponica will babysit your loved vegetation for you -- now if only it could let the dog out.
Trend Themes
1. Self-sustaining Hydroponics - Opportunity for businesses to develop self-sustaining hydroponic systems that automatically provide light and water to plants.
2. Modular Hydroponics - Opportunity for businesses to create modular hydroponic systems that can be customized for different types of plants.
3. Urban Farming Solutions - Opportunity for businesses to offer urban farming solutions with vertical hydroponic systems.
Industry Implications
1. Home Gardening - Opportunity for companies in the home gardening industry to develop and market self-sustaining hydroponic systems for urban dwellers.
2. Agriculture Technology - Opportunity for companies in the agriculture technology industry to innovate modular hydroponic systems for commercial growers.
3. Smart Home - Opportunity for companies in the smart home industry to integrate self-sustaining hydroponic systems into their product offerings.

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