Vibrant Canine Watercolors

Lauren Carlson Walcott's Uses Color to Augment Her Dog Paintings

Dog paintings by artist Lauren Carlson Walcott transform drab canines into vibrant works of art. The Philadelphia-based artist used watercolors and acrylics with flair to create her dog portraits. Vibrant colors were chosen to complement and bring out each dog's personality.

The inspiration behind Walcott's dog collection was her childhood pet. The way that dogs could dramatically shift people's moods prompted Walcott to represent that visually. Combined with her love of color, the dog paintings were a perfect way for her to destress.

Walcott's goal was to "capture the spirit and soul" of her canine subjects. Each carefully chosen color represents what Walcott felt best represented that dog's essence. She is currently available for custom paintings of your favorite pet.
Trend Themes
1. Vibrant Animal Watercolors - Artists can use vibrant colors in traditional animal paintings to create expressive and eye-catching works of art that capture the animal's personality.
2. Pet Portraiture - Custom pet portraits can help pet owners celebrate and immortalize their beloved animals while allowing artists to capitalize on a popular and emotionally resonant trend.
3. Color Psychology in Art - Artists who understand and utilize color psychology can create emotionally impactful artwork that resonates with the viewer on a deeper level.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Art - Traditional fine artists can incorporate more vibrant and expressive colors into their animal paintings to create more eye-catching and unique works of art.
2. Pet Products and Services - Pet product companies and services can tap into the trend of pet portraiture by offering customized paintings and prints that allow pet owners to celebrate their furry friends.
3. Home Decor - Home decor companies can incorporate vibrant animal paintings into their product offerings, allowing customers to add a pop of color and personality to their living spaces.

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