There is something about the gentle tinkling sound of a wind chime dancing in a summer breeze that brings instant peace--which is why these DIY wind chimes are so therapeutic. From Free People blogger Brigette, this craft will also be calming as you piece together the natural looking musical instrument.
Using bamboo, sticks, twine and other personal embellishments like feathers, you can make your very own DIY wind chimes and make your home a little more zen. The majority of the materials you need will likely already be in your possession, while bamboo can be found at a craft store or online. You will also need some tools (a hot glue gun, handsaw and drill with small bit) that you might have to borrow from a neighbor.
DIY Wind Chimes
Make Your Own Music with This Peace-Making Musical Craft From Free People
Trend Themes
1. DIY Crafts - Opportunity to disrupt the crafting industry by providing more DIY craft ideas and materials to make at home.
2. Eco-friendly Home Decor - Opportunity to disrupt the home decor industry by providing more eco-friendly and sustainable options such as bamboo wind chimes.
3. Mental Health Wellness - Opportunity to disrupt the mental health industry by promoting the therapeutic benefits of DIY crafts as a form of self-care.
Industry Implications
1. Crafting - Promoting DIY crafting materials and projects to make at home.
2. Home Decor - Creating eco-friendly and sustainable home decor products.
3. Mental Health - Promoting the therapeutic benefits of crafts and DIY as a form of self-care.