The Disney Ariel Radio Control toy shows children that mermaids can ride the waters similarly to humans. Of course, they do so with the help of sea horses. In this case, the beautiful red-headed princess sits astride a magnificent purple steed, which can be directed with a remote control. A fun alternative to more traditional toy cars, this Disney Ariel doll will inspire children to go on fun adventures.
Those who are particularly taken with the Little Mermaid will appreciate how this Disney Ariel Radio Control toy doesn't require being close to water. Not to mention that it introduces a decidedly female twist to a male-dominated toy. Remote controlled toys can easily appeal to both genders in different and creative ways. In this case, the Disney Ariel Radio Control toy looks to a very popular franchise.
Remote-Controlled Mermaids
Jada Toys' Disney Ariel Radio Control Doll Rides on a Sea Horse
Trend Themes
1. Remote-controlled Toys - Companies can explore the integration of remote-controlled technology to traditional toy designs to create unique play experiences.
2. Non-traditional Gender Toys - Companies can cater to both genders by introducing unconventional designs in traditionally gender-specific toy categories.
3. Cross-franchise Merchandising - Companies can tap into the popularity of different franchises and combine them in unique ways to create new and exciting merchandise for consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Industry - Companies can explore the use of remote-controlled technology for both traditional and unconventional gender-specific toy designs.
2. Entertainment Industry - Companies can collaborate with popular franchises to create cross-franchise merchandise that expands on the universes of each franchise and appeals to a broader audience.
3. Consumer Electronics Industry - Companies can develop innovative remote-controlled technologies that can be applied to various industries, such as toys, home appliances, and surveillance systems, among others.