This innovation is unlikely to inspire global change, but it will make you laugh.
This USB-powered dog humps your computer when plugged in (see video).
Warning: Not suitable for young pups.
Implications - Products like this revel in their own mischievous quirkiness, warming the hearts of users who buy them. By bringing a bit of humor into an otherwise bland and unremarkable gadget, companies can appeal to consumers that need every opportunity they can get to break out of the monotony of everyday life. This is definitely an escape that people who have fast-paced and stressful lifestyles appreciate in a major way.
Useless Gadgets
USB Powered Weiner Dog Humps Your Computer
Trend Themes
1. Humorous Gadgets - Companies can appeal to consumers that need every opportunity they can get to break out of the monotony of everyday life by creating humorous gadgets.
2. Quirky Personal Technology - Consumers appreciate quirky technological innovations that inject humor into their lives.
3. Escapism Products - In a fast-paced and stressful lifestyle, people appreciate products that allow for a sense of escape, such as humorous gadgets like this USB-powered dog humping computer.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Technology Industry - The personal technology industry can capitalize on the desire for consumers to have more humorous and quirky options in their gadgets.
2. Gifting Industry - Humorous gadgets like this USB-powered dog provide an easy and enjoyable gifting option for those seeking to impart laughter and cheer on their friends and family.
3. Entertainment Industry - Humorous gadgets like this appeal to those seeking simple and effortless entertainment in their daily lives.