My Queer Blackness, My Black Queerness is a digital art project that's shining a light on an often marginalized community, bringing queer Black artists together to share their experiences through a creative lens.
Taking a global approach, this project includes a daily journal that chronicles the experiences of trans and non-binary writers, as well as video, photography and literature from other artists. In addition to exploring culture and identity through a variety of mediums, this project fundraises for TransWave Jamaica and For The Gworls -- two charities with work that centers around protecting the Black trans community. For this three-week fundraiser, 12 artists donated photographs that represent their interpretation of Black queerness.
The prints range from £100 to £1,000 GBP with all proceeds being donated.
Explorative Digital Art Projects
My Queer Blackness, My Black Queerness Explores Identity
Trend Themes
1. Queer Blackness Digital Art Collaboration - There is an opportunity for companies in the digital art industry to promote collaboration among queer Black artists to tell their stories and foster inclusivity.
2. Global Representation in Digital Art - There is an opportunity for companies and organizations in the digital art industry to explore different cultures and identities and promote representation globally through various mediums.
3. Socially Responsible Fundraising for Digital Art Projects - There is an opportunity to leverage digital art projects as a means for socially responsible fundraising by collaborations with social justice organizations and donation of proceeds.
Industry Implications
1. Digital Art - Exploration of culture and identity through digital art can help democratize art and bring diverse representations into the mainstream.
2. Non-profit - Collaboration with digital art projects can help non-profit organizations fundraise and increase visibility while promoting social and cultural awareness.
3. Social Justice - Social justice initiatives can use digital art projects to make cultural connections, tell stories, and increase social awareness of marginalized communities.