Ultra Reclining Desk Chairs

The Merax Manager's Chair Leans Back Enough to Create a Bed

These ultra reclining desk chairs by Merax are probably not what a boss wants to see his employees using, but they sure do look comfortable. These chairs can lean back so far as to create a bed that users can actually enjoy a quick snooze in at any moment.

Merax is known for making ergonomic and comfy office chairs out of subtle black leather. While this chair features all the bells and whistles with soft cushioning, adjustable arms, lumbar support and rolling wheels it can also recline extremely far back to create a flat surface. A leg rest can also be extended to create a bed perfect for mid-afternoon snoozes when no one is looking.
Trend Themes
1. Ergonomic Sleep Chairs - A growing trend in office furniture to address worker burnout and fatigue by allowing them to rest during breaks.
2. Multi-functional Office Chairs - A trend towards office chairs offering more than just a comfortable place to sit and work.
3. Personalized Office Furniture - Companies offering customization options for office chairs to meet both ergonomic and comfort needs of individual employees.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - Manufacturers can focus on creating unique, thoughtfully designed work chairs that prioritize workers' health.
2. Office Supply Retailers - Retailers can look into offering a wider range of ergonomic chair options that cater to individual employees.
3. Health and Wellness Industry - Providing services that address work-related burnout and fatigue through the use of ergonomic chairs like these.

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