Cognitive Design Games

The 'Designercise' Board Game Enhances a Player’s Creative Thoughts

Designer and sociologist Leyla Acaroglu created this interactive board game hybrid that aims to unleash creativity through a variety of brain-stimulating design games. Designercise is filled with creative design games and colorful exercises that inspire highly creative thinkers.

The board game includes three warm-up activities and 20 proceeding games that require about 15 to 20 minutes of commitment. By supplying designers with the tools to creatively relax, it will "break down and expose cognitive biases," which will elevate the mind and help get the creative juices flowing.

The game ultimately combines design thinking and creative problem solving to reduce the amount of each user’s "brain boredom." The game is interactive, playful and will stimulate the mind. By bringing "productive disruption" into each user’s day, it ensures players have the ability to continuously think outside the box.
Trend Themes
1. Cognitive Design Games - Board games that aim to unleash creativity via brain-stimulating design games.
2. Design Thinking Tools - Tools that creatively relax designers to break down and expose cognitive biases.
3. Integrating Creative Problem Solving - Integrating creative problem solving to reduce the amount of brain boredom.
Industry Implications
1. Game Industry - Developing cognitive board games that aim to unleash creativity for players.
2. Design Industry - Supplying designers with tools to creatively relax, break down and expose cognitive biases.
3. Education Industry - Incorporating cognitive design games into the classroom for students to creatively think and stimulate their minds.

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