World renowned industrial designer Adrian Van Anz created these featured Derringer Cycles, which beautifully combine features of a bicycle and a motorbike.
Deringer Cycles are custom-built, taking into consideration the tastes and styles of customers. The large wheels and white balloon tires of the Deringer Cycles are for enhanced performance and safety.
The cycle also features pedals and a hybrid driving system, allowing the rider to rely either on the pedals or on the engine for transport.
Pedaling Motorcycles
These Derringer Cycles are a Combination of a Bicycle and a Motorbike
Trend Themes
1. Hybrid Motorcycles - Adopting a hybrid driving system in motorcycles can open a market for environmentally conscious consumers who want the option of traditional pedaling.
2. Custom-built Cycles - Custom-built bikes that blend the features of motorcycles and bicycles can provide consumers a more personalized transportation option.
3. Large Wheels and Balloon Tires - Using large wheels with white balloon tires in cycles provides enhanced performance and safety to riders.
Industry Implications
1. Transportation Industry - Adopting the hybrid driving system in motorcycles and custom-building cycles adds scope in the transportation industry to better cater to the needs of riders.
2. Design Industry - Creating custom-built cycles involves incorporating the styles and tastes of customers providing insights in the design industry.
3. Environmental Industry - By adopting hybrid motorcycle systems, manufacturers can tap into the growing demand of eco-conscious consumers who support environmentally friendly products.