Salvaged Treasured Trees

Dennis Lin Preserves Nature for Everyone to See with No. 1-60

Artist Dennis Lin rescued a maple tree from a mill (well, if you can call it rescued...) and turned it into an art exhibit. No, the tree's definitely not rescued, but it has been kept from a life as multiple pieces of furniture.

Dennis Lin took the old tree, divided it into 60 sections, and has preserved it for people to observe and study. He titled the piece No. 1-60.

The features of the tree are amazing, and it's hard to imagine the natural complexity being erased by a furniture mill. Dennis Lin's No. 1-60 was photographed by Derek Flack.
Trend Themes
1. Tree Salvage Art - There is an increasing trend in the creation of art sculptures, installations, and pieces from salvaged trees as a way to preserve nature and promote sustainability.
2. Nature Preservation Through Art - A trend is emerging where artists are using their work as a means of preserving nature and bringing environmental causes to light.
3. Woodworking Conservation - Woodworkers are beginning to explore sustainable practices like salvaging trees and reclaiming wood to create beautiful pieces while minimizing environmental impact and promoting conservation.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The art industry can benefit from this trend by embracing environmentally-conscious practices and using their platform to raise awareness and promote conservation efforts.
2. Furniture-making - The furniture-making industry can incorporate more sustainable practices like tree salvaging and use this as a unique selling point to appeal to eco-conscious consumers.
3. Woodworking - The woodworking industry can explore sustainable practices and incorporate more eco-friendly materials to create products while ensuring an environmentally responsible value chain from sourcing to disposal.

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