Early-Access Horror Games

Players Investigate Paranormal Threats Together in 'Demonologist'

'Demonologist' is a new co-op horror game that was released on Steam’s Early Access program on March 27th 2023. The game was developed by Clock Wizard Games. It has quickly received the 'Very Positive' banner on Steam due to reviews from players. The game is inspired by the popular title 'Phasmophobia,' but offers a different and more terrifying experience, as it is now built in the next-generation 'Unreal Engine 5' game engine.

In Demonologist, players take on the role of paranormal investigators who have to identify and exorcise evil spirits in various cursed locations. The game can be played solo or with up to four players online. Players have access to a range of equipment, such as EMF readers, ouija boards, tarot cards, and holy water, to help them in their mission.

The game features three maps with different concepts and exorcism mechanics: Cyclone Street, a suburban house with a dark secret; Lighthouse, a haunted island with a mysterious past; and Dream Room, a surreal nightmare realm.
Trend Themes
1. Co-op Horror Games - There's potential for more co-op horror games with unique gameplay mechanics and scary experiences.
2. Virtual Paranormal Investigations - Virtual reality platforms for paranormal investigations will continue to be popular for those seeking immersive experiences.
3. Next-generation Game Engines - The adoption of more advanced game engines provides opportunities to create more visually stunning and immersive games.
Industry Implications
1. Video Game - Game developers have the potential to capitalize on the success of early-access horror games by creating unique and terrifying co-op experiences.
2. Virtual Reality - Virtual reality companies can utilize the popularity of horror games to develop more immersive and interactive virtual experiences.
3. Game Engine - Game engine creators have the opportunity to appeal to developers by improving their game engines to provide more realistic and visually impressive game experiences.

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