Morbid LEGO Constructions

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'Death by Lego' Creations Range From Skulls to Gravestones

'Death by Lego' has got to be one of the most random yet brilliant flickr sets ever. The creations of Flickr user Masterbrick are so great, it was really hard choosing just ten images for the gallery... and I am really not just saying that!

From the Lego skulls (some with brains showing) to skeletons, crucifixions and gravestones, it is most certainly not something for your children. If you're a bit messed and appreciate macabre designs, then this gallery is most certainly up your alley.
Trend Themes
1. Morbid Brick Art - Lego constructions featuring skulls, skeletons, and other macabre designs for adults.
2. Dark Humor Toys - A trend in designing edgy Legos for adult collectors that find macabre themes humorous.
3. Adult Lego Sets - The creation of Legos for adult consumers with more mature and mature themes.
Industry Implications
1. Toys and Games - Innovation opportunity for creating toys and games for adults who appreciate dark humor and macabre designs.
2. Art and Design - Opportunity to create art installations and displays featuring Lego constructions that appeal to those with an interest in dark art.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing campaigns that target adult fans of Legos, such as advertising themed Lego sets or sponsoring public art displays.

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