Embroidered Portraits

Daniel Kornrumpf Takes Needlework to Another Level

When you hear the word "embroidery," there's often the connotation of something that's homemade and simple with elegant imagery. Artist Daniel Kornrumpf, however, has taken embroidery to the next level.

Rather than stitching "Home Sweet Home" or images of birds and flowers, Kornrumpf has created portraits of people. Each piece was painstakingly hand-stitched, and you can really appreciate the detail put into each piece. The details of the beard on a man, the reflection and the glare on worn glasses all show the amount of time Kornrumpf has put into his work.
Trend Themes
1. Artistic Embroidery - The trend of using embroidery to create artistic pieces can lead to a new market for interior decoration.
2. Custom-made Embroidered Portraits - The trend of creating custom-made embroidered portraits offers an opportunity for artists and entrepreneurs to create a unique and personalized gifting market.
3. Digital Embroidery Equipment - The trend of using digital embroidery equipment can revolutionize the textile industry by transforming the way clothing, bags, hats and other items are designed and produced.
Industry Implications
1. Textile and Embroidery Industry - The embroidered portraits trend can boost the sales of embroidery businesses and entrepreneurs by expanding the applications of an age-old art form.
2. Art and Design Industry - Embroidered portraits as an artform have the potential to disrupt the art world by introducing a unique and traditional technique to modern day art.
3. Personalized Gift Industry - The trend of creating customized embroidered portraits can offer entrepreneurs and artists a new opportunity to tap into the personalized gifting market.

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