Soft Thorn Necklaces

Unusual Crocheted Jewelry from Portugal

Portuguese artist, Maria João Ribeiro, sells her crocheted jewelry in her Etsy shop, Kjoo. Her unusual pieces are all one-of-a-kind handmade works of art. Many of her pieces use cotton thread and felted wool in a rainbow of delicious colors.

Each of Ribeiro’s unique designs is all original. She uses high-quality materials and is attentive to detail. The pieces are very light and comfortable and make the person who wears them feel as if she is part of the work of art.
Trend Themes
1. Handmade Jewelry - The trend of buying handmade jewelry is growing rapidly, providing opportunities for both established and new creative makers.
2. Felted Wool Crafts - Felted wool is becoming a popular material for creating unique crafts and jewelry items, offering opportunities for innovative artisans.
3. Colorful Accessories - There is a growing demand for colorful accessories that are both unique and expressive, presenting opportunities for designers and creators to offer bold and creative products.
Industry Implications
1. Handmade Goods Marketplaces - The market for handmade goods has expanded significantly, creating opportunities for online marketplaces like Etsy and others catering to this burgeoning community.
2. Craft and Artisanal Retail - The growing interest in handmade goods and unique crafts has led to new opportunities for retail stores catering to the handmade and artisan communities.
3. Arts and Crafts Education - There is an increasing need for arts and crafts education programs that teach skills in traditional handicrafts like crochet, knitting, and felting, which can foster creativity and innovation among students.

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