Pre-Distressed Sheet Sets

Coyuchi Created the New Crinkled Percale Sheet Set

Homeware company Coyuchi designed the new Crinkled Percale Sheet Set -- a set of pre-distressed bedding. In order to create the softest and most relaxed percale sheets, the brand used pure organic cotton and applied spinning and weaving techniques to create a washed fabric with a crinkled and worn effect.

The brand decided to create this product from the idea that bed sheets need to be worn in to be comfortable -- by making them this way, the middle man is cut out. These new sheet sets are available for each season based on warmth, and come in four different colors: white, peach, grey and beige. The set comes with a duvet cover, a fitted sheet and two pillowcases that all have coconut shell buttons. All of the fabric used in the Crinkled Percale Sheet Sets were grown and woven in India, and are Fair Trade Certified.
Trend Themes
1. Pre-distressed Bedding - The creation of pre-distressed bedding for increased comfort and convenience.
2. Organic Cotton - The utilization of organic cotton in bedding products for sustainability and environmental impact reduction.
3. Fair Trade Certification - The increasing importance of fair trade certification for the bedding industry to reflect ethical and socially responsible practices.
Industry Implications
1. Home Goods - The home goods industry can benefit from developing pre-distressed bedding technology for customer convenience.
2. Textiles - The textile industry can adapt to the use of organic cotton as a sustainable and environmentally conscious material.
3. Retail - Retailers can integrate fair trade certified products such as the Crinkled Percale Sheet Set to attract new customers who value ethical and socially responsible practices.

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