Documented Craigslist Encounters

This Photography Series Captures Subjects Who Answered Online Ads

The well-known worldwide classifieds website, Craigslist, has instigated countless encounters, which go beyond the meetings to exchange tangible goods between users. In a photo series entitled 'Craigslist Encounters,' one artist created portraits of people who he recruited from the site itself, in response to a single ad.

Working in Los Angeles, Kremer Johnson vague posting promised $20 per hour to any subjects willing to be documented in the convenience of their own homes and neighborhoods. At least a dozen images were produced, which surprisingly have a very posed appearance to them, given these are meant to represent everyday, non-model folk as they stand or sit within their most familiar settings. The Craigslist Encounters series is an thought-provoking commentary on contemporary portraiture and the peer-to-peer economy.
Trend Themes
1. Documented Craigslist Encounters - Opportunity to explore the rising trend of using Craigslist as a platform to create and document unique encounters and experiences.
2. Peer-to-peer Economy - Opportunity to tap into the growing peer-to-peer economy by creating innovative platforms that connect individuals for various services and experiences.
3. Contemporary Portraiture - Opportunity for photographers and artists to reinvent contemporary portraiture by capturing authentic and posed moments in familiar settings.
Industry Implications
1. Online Classifieds - Opportunity for online classifieds platforms to expand their services by promoting and facilitating unique encounters and experiences between users.
2. Photography - Opportunity for photographers to embrace the concept of documenting encounters and experiences to create compelling visual narratives.
3. Creative Services - Opportunity for creative professionals to offer their services in documenting and curating unique encounters and experiences for individuals and businesses.

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