Mineral-Exploring Modern Decor Capsules

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Sten Studio Presents the Cosmic Relics Collection

Mexico City-based design firm Sten Studio introduces a look at its new Cosmic Relics collection. The studio uses minerals and crystals to dive deeper into the natural world and the connection it has to personal well-being. Those who wear these stones can benefit from their certain healing properties. The capsule builds on this concept and these elements are incorporated through a series of modern furniture and bespoke decor items that are both aesthetically pleasing and spiritual. The studio draws in collaborative efforts to work with talents locally and internationally.

All the phases of the design process feature collective efforts with suppliers, fabricators, and manufacturers. The capsule features a wide range of materials including "lava stone, pink onyx, blue calcite, travertine marble, brown onyx, fluorite, golden Calacatta marble, pineapple onyx, and stainless steel."
Trend Themes
1. Mineral-infused Furniture - The integration of healing crystals in modern decor offers a blend of aesthetic appeal and wellness benefits.
2. Collaborative Design Processes - Engaging with local and international talents for each design phase enhances the creativity and quality of decor items.
3. Sustainable Mineral Sourcing - Using diverse minerals like lava stone and pink onyx emphasizes eco-friendly practices in the decor industry.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture and Interior Design - The sector can explore the rising consumer interest in minerals and healing crystals embedded in decor items.
2. Wellness and Lifestyle Products - Incorporating healing properties of minerals into daily-use products aligns with the increasing wellness trend.
3. Sustainable Materials Manufacturing - The need for sustainably sourced minerals presents opportunities for innovation in material production techniques.

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