Take a look at these amazing renderings of the COS Cabin Space Concept, and imagine what it would be like to board an airplane and to see this space-age sight within the cabin. For the 2014 iF Design Awards, Jan Meissner presents a proposal for a stimulatingly souped up airline economy class that would make you content enough to leave the business section be.
There is no doubt that you're drawn to the fascinating touchscreen interfaces that cover the backs of all of the seats, presenting customers with video entertainment, chat platforms, climate control, inflight meal ordering systems and journey information. What the COS Cabin Space Concept also suggests is a complete and ergonomic redesign of the seats themselves.
Cutting-Edge Economy Seating
COS Cabin Space Concept Provides Comfort and Connection to Passengers
Trend Themes
1. Touchscreen Interfaces - The integration of touchscreen interfaces in airline cabins presents an opportunity for enhanced customer engagement and personalized services.
2. Ergonomic Seat Design - The ergonomic redesign of airline seats can provide a more comfortable and enjoyable travel experience for passengers.
3. Inflight Ordering Systems - The implementation of inflight meal ordering systems offers convenience and efficiency for both passengers and airlines.
Industry Implications
1. Airlines - Airlines can adopt touchscreen interfaces and ergonomic seat designs to differentiate their services and improve customer satisfaction.
2. Inflight Entertainment - Inflight entertainment providers can leverage touchscreen interfaces to enhance their offerings and provide a more interactive and engaging experience for passengers.
3. Food and Beverage - The integration of inflight ordering systems creates opportunities for food and beverage companies to expand their services and capture a new market segment.