The 'Infento' bike is an incredible investment that grows with a child from toddler age all the way to their teenage years.
While there are some tricycles and bicycles that have adjustable seats or training wheels that grow with a child, there is no other bike out there that can take on 18 different vehicle forms. This bike can go from tricycle to bicycle, scooter to trike and even from transporter to trailer.
The bike is not only an economic and sustainable product because of its longevity but it also provides years of entertainment for children and parents. Instead of buying endless boxes of LEGO, this convertible bike provides new and adaptive ways to rebuild its parts. Teaching children how to build and problem-solve, the Infento convertible bike is an educational, inexpensive and long-lasting product.
Age-Adapting Bicycles
The 'Infento' is the First Convertible Bike That Transforms into 18 Rides
Trend Themes
1. Adaptive Bikes - Bikes that grow with the child and have adaptive features are a disruptive innovation opportunity in the mobility industry.
2. Multi-functional Toys - Multi-functional toys like the Infento bike which can transform into many different rides are a disruptive innovation opportunity in the toy industry.
3. Sustainable Consumer Products - Sustainable consumer products that provide longevity and entertainment are a disruptive innovation opportunity in the consumer goods industry.
Industry Implications
1. Mobility Industry - The Infento bike's adaptive features are a disruptive innovation opportunity in the mobility industry.
2. Toy Industry - Multi-functional toys like the Infento bike are a disruptive innovation opportunity in the toy industry.
3. Consumer Goods Industry - Sustainable consumer products that provide longevity and entertainment are a disruptive innovation opportunity in the consumer goods industry.