Controversial Camouflage Cars

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Nigo Creates Conflict With His Mercedes 300SL Makeover

BAPE and Mercedes have recently teamed up to produce a camouflage car.

Nigo, the creator of Japanese Clothing Company ‘A Bathing Ape,’ (also known as BAPE) is being criticized for his recent Mercedes Benz 300SL makeover. Car lovers are wondering why Nigo had to change the look of a rare and classic 300SL in good condition.

Check out the gallery to see how Nigo has customized this piece of machinery, and see for yourself if you agree with Nigo’s artistic modifications.
Trend Themes
1. Customized Automobiles - The trend of customizing automobiles offers disruptive innovation opportunities in the automotive industry.
2. Controversial Collaborations - The trend of controversial collaborations presents disruptive innovation opportunities in the fashion and automotive industries.
3. Classic Car Restoration - The trend of restoring classic cars offers disruptive innovation opportunities in the automotive industry.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - The automotive industry has the potential for disruptive innovation in the area of customized automobiles and classic car restoration.
2. Fashion - The fashion industry can explore disruptive innovation through controversial collaborations with other industries, such as automotive.
3. Art - The art industry can embrace disruptive innovation by exploring the concept of customized automobiles as a form of artistic expression.

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