Mobile Student ID Systems

Apple Has Created Contactless Student IDs for 12 New Schools

Apple has created contactless student IDs for approximately 12 new universities. The expanded contactless student IDs will be accessible in Apple Wallet, and it will provide more than 100,000 students an easily accessible student ID on an iPhone or Apple Watch. The student IDs can be used to pay for meals or gain entry to buildings like a dorm room or library. The contactless IDs initially were released in October of 2018.

The list of new schools includes Clemson University, Georgetown University, University of Tennessee, University of Kentucky, University of San Francisco, University of Vermont, and the University of North Alabama. These schools will join other schools like Duke University, University of Alabama and others with the incorporation of the contactless ID system.
Trend Themes
1. Contactless Student Ids - Opportunity to revolutionize student identification systems by providing contactless IDs accessible through mobile devices.
2. Mobile Wallet Integration - Potential for integrating student IDs into mobile wallets, allowing for easy access and functionality beyond identification purposes.
3. Expanding University Adoption - Growing trend of more universities adopting contactless student ID systems, enhancing convenience and security for students.
Industry Implications
1. Higher Education - Disruptive innovation opportunity for universities to upgrade their student identification systems, improving convenience and security.
2. Mobile Technology - Opportunity for mobile technology companies to develop and expand the capabilities of mobile wallet integration for student ID purposes.
3. Payment Solutions - Potential for payment solution providers to offer seamless payment integration with contactless student ID systems, enabling easy transactions.

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