Emoticon Super Texting

'Emoji Icons' Make Their Debut On iPod Touch and iPhone 2.2

Texting is probably one of the best things invented since sliced bread (and all night sushi bars.) On most phones you get a full QWERTY keypad that allows you to send just about any message you wish. And, of course, we have the well-known abbreviations that make texting so much easier and convenient (OMG! My BFF has me ROFLOL!) On a regular computer, you can also put in your emoticons. You can do the same thing on a cell phone, but it’s a little harder and somewhat text character consuming (which is something to be avoided if you’re being charged by the length of your text.)

Well, now with the Emoji Icons application for the iPod Touch, and iPhone 2.2, you can wink at your buddy from Zimbabwe or roll your eyes at your soon to be ex-boyfriend who was seen by Angela, who told Crystal, who mentioned it to your BFF that she saw him kissing... JULIE CHASTINOJEVSKY! (OMG!)
Trend Themes
1. Emoticon Communication - The growing use of emoji icons in texting provides opportunities for businesses to develop innovative communication tools and platforms that incorporate emoticons.
2. Texting Efficiency - The need for more efficient and convenient texting methods opens up possibilities for businesses to create new technologies or applications that simplify the process, reducing text character consumption and increasing speed.
3. Cross-cultural Communication - The Emoji Icons application allows for cross-cultural communication by enabling users to convey emotions and expressions that transcend language barriers, presenting opportunities for businesses to cater to a global audience.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile Applications - The popularity of emoji icons in texting creates opportunities for mobile application developers to design and market innovative emoji-related apps that enhance communication experiences.
2. Digital Communication Tools - The increasing usage of emoticons in texting presents opportunities for businesses in the digital communication tools industry to develop and offer new software or tools that make it easier for users to incorporate emoticons into their messaging.
3. Language Translation Services - The need for cross-cultural communication facilitated by emoji icons opens up opportunities for language translation service providers to develop specialized services that accurately translate the nuanced meanings conveyed by different emoticons across languages.

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